The process of creating lamps. An exciting journey around the world

Worldlight's love affair with lighting is like love at first sight, the kind that makes you feel butterflies in your stomach! For all of our team, it is truly a passion. We enjoy every ingredient that builds the lighting industry. From the origin of the raw materials, to the installation and strategic placement of the luminaires, through the exciting manufacturing processes and even discovering the identity of the artisan hands involved in it.

The process of creating a luminaire can become an exciting journey around the world in which people and cultures from many different countries and conditions are met. And although for many it is something unknown and insignificant to us it brings us great value. When we explain to our customers the particularities of the creation of the chosen lamp, they are pleasantly surprised, keeping the history of their lamp in their memory and savoring, from another perspective, the aesthetics of what for us is a luminous jewel.

Although the initial idea may arise on paper or with a specific need for a particular project, then you have to find a way to bring it to life so that with infinite artistic beauty it fulfills its function and exceeds all expectations.

It may be that in the same lighting product, artisan hands from Asia, glassblowers from the marvelous glass of Eastern Europe, hardware and components from the excellent assembly lines of the Germanic countries, or materials from our own land, Mallorca, may be involved.

And if we talk about technical products, we will find professionals who develop optics with the latest machinery to offer a product of quality and durability, related to the technological and environmental needs, so demanded and necessary in these times.   

Let your imagination run wild and enjoy this exciting journey through our image gallery. Have you noticed those butterflies? Then you're one of us!

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