The importance of lighting in photorealistic rendering

The render is a very important working tool in interior design, it allows us to get an idea of the final result of the room or rooms in a very real way. It allows us to see a room with depth and texture and even imagine how life will be in that room or environment. This way of presenting interior design and decoration projects is becoming more and more common and necessary. Clients are no longer satisfied with just a floor plan, they want to see a 3D render that provides a realistic view of the volumes, colors, etc. of their future home, office or establishment.

The importance of lighting in a photorealistic rendering, Worldlight | Professional lighting studio

One of the most important elements in rendering is lighting. The use of lighting in rendering changes everything. It creates colorimetry and helps to generate different sensations and different atmospheres in the project.

Perhaps, we do not notice but most of them always incorporate a lighting element (a decorative, a profile or a downlight) that changes the effect of the whole environment and each proposed element, enhances and, without being a direct protagonist, makes the rest of the elements are protagonists by themselves.

In addition to the sensations that can generate the different types of light, the decorative capacity of the chosen lamps comes into play, in the rendering we can realize if the desired lamp fits into the project as a whole or we must change the luminaire.

The importance of lighting in a photorealistic rendering, Worldlight | Professional lighting studio

That is why it is not only necessary to study the details of interior design or finishes, but also the lighting that gives character or elegance to each element of the project.

Our lighting designers are aware of all this and can help you with the project and lighting design to ensure that your work is enhanced in the best way.

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