Human-centered lighting as a formula for improving our quality of life

Human-centered lighting is a new lighting concept that aims to represent natural light as closely as possible through artificial lighting. Surely you have experienced it in some places with little natural light entering and yet it seems that you are surrounded by windows overlooking the outside. Those places are the example of what we are indicating, but not only that but the graduation and intensity of the light, the chosen color, the time of its ignition, etc.. Everything is designed to be as close as possible to the natural rhythm of sunlight. Not long ago we talked about the importance of light in the mood and performance of people.

Human-centered lighting aims to improve the quality of life and well-being of people, taking into account the different scenarios and environments on a daily basis. We all need light and darkness because we are used to a day and night cycle to develop and move efficiently and healthily over time. The new lighting systems and the innovation generated in the sector allow us to control the intensity, temperature and direction of light and this will contribute to improve aspects such as concentration or relaxation for example.

During the early morning hours, intense and cold light will keep us active and in high performance. However, as we approach the more nocturnal hours, it would be more correct to use soft and warm lighting to guide our body to a state of calm and relaxation.

The use of human-centered lighting in any of our environments: office, home, leisure, etc. will contribute to improving our quality of life through clear benefits such as optimized sleep-wake cycles, daily improvements in alertness, performance and mood, as well as smooth responses to seasonal changes.

In World Light Estudio, Balearic company leader in lighting projects, we are specialists in the study and design of lighting and focus on the human being is our premise. Each and every one of our lighting projects are focused on improving the functionality of lighting so that it is as similar to natural light, providing multiple benefits to the people who inhabit the illuminated spaces. Thanks to new technologies and innovative tools that we have in our studio, we can play perfectly with circadian lighting, relaxing, activating or emotional, depending on the time and activity of the day.

If you are looking for a company specialized in lighting projects, do not hesitate! contact us, give us a chance, get to know and trust our professionals. The lighting will be just what you or your clients need. You can see some of our lighting projects here.


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