Worldlight decoration joins the tour of artists to participate in Algaid'art

This coming weekend takes place in Algaida the event that the City Council organizes annually for the promotion of the visual arts. During the afternoon of Saturday and Sunday morning you can make an artistic tour of Algaida. Different commercial premises participate in the event by lending their facilities to host different exhibitions, workshops and shows.

Worldlight Decoration could not miss the tour and this weekend becomes a great art gallery. 4 great artists exhibit their work in our decoration store in Calle Victoria, 7 in Algaida.

Jordi Traveria and his glass sculpture

Luciani and his painting of iconic artists

Monrós exhibits a new expression of his painting

Gina Luiciani and her environment through the expression in her paintings.

Do not miss the event and come and visit us to discover these four artists. The exhibition will take place on Saturday from 6pm to 10pm and on Sunday from 10am to 1pm. You will also have the opportunity to enjoy other exhibitions in other neighboring venues.

, Worldlight decoration joins the tour of artists to participate in Algaid'art, Worldlight | Professional lighting studio

Complete program

, Worldlight decoration joins the tour of artists to participate in Algaid'art, Worldlight | Professional lighting studio
, Worldlight decoration joins the tour of artists to participate in Algaid'art, Worldlight | Professional lighting studio

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