Algaid'art in Worldlight decoration

Last weekend our decoration store located in Algaida participated in the Algaid'art tour, the cultural circuit organized by the City Council of Algaida to promote culture and art in the town. In Worldlight we bet a lot for everything that is ours, that's why when they proposed it to us we accepted without thinking about it. Worldlight would become a beautiful art gallery for two days.


We were lucky to receive the artists: Jordi Traveria, Monrós, Luciani and Gina Luciani and we were very fortunate to enjoy the exhibition of their works.


The result was a complete success. More than 500 people came to our store to discover not only the artistic works of our super artists but also to get to know our store. Many had not yet come to see us.


We leave you with the images of this weekend. We are already looking forward to the next edition.


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