Correct use of indirect light in interior design

Indirect light positively influences our emotions

Today we want to talk about the correct use of indirect light in interior design. It is known and has been the subject of multiple tests, that light has many different effects on human beings both visually and emotionally as well as biologically. In our day to day life there are many factors that influence our mood, activity rhythm... and LIGHT has an incredible power on the quality of our emotional performance.

Indirect light as transition light

This is where one type of light comes into play, namely: indirect light or "transition light", as we can use it as a means to adapt our rhythm during the day. 

Indirect light is understood as the emission of light that is projected onto a surface, whether it is a wall, ceiling, etc. and that, when bouncing on certain architectural elements, provides comfortable lighting due to the phenomenon of reflection.

With indirect lighting we will achieve a soft light effect and high visual comfort, which will be more or less diaphanous depending on the type of light source we use, as well as the size and shape of the source.

Indirect light and lighting design

Thanks to the current LED technology we can hide them in elements integrated in the architecture itself, as is the case of the wall or ceiling recesses, in which the light source goes completely unnoticed.

Similarly, the light sources can be in sight and perfectly integrated into the environment, providing a minimalist touch and, at the same time, a great visual load.

We can also achieve optimal indirect lighting by means of wall sconces, either recessed and integrated into the wall or screwed directly to the wall.

Another classic way to achieve a good reflected lighting is through the use of floor or table lamps. Both in the option of wall lamps and floor/table lamps we can find a large number of models, sizes, shapes and finishes, which will adapt to all types of decoration. 

In any of the cases and whatever the light source we choose, we recommend installing some type of regulation, so that we can have the optimal and desired light level for every moment of the day.

As if that were not enough, indirect light is spectacular, elegant and adds great aesthetic value to the interior design project and the final finish of any self-respecting home.

In short, indirect light in interior design is a sophisticated and decisive lighting solution!

If you want us to advise you with your new project , please contact our team.

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